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Who are we?


Religious Family of the Incarnate Word

Familia Religiosa del Verbo Encarnado

The Institute Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara (SSVM), the Institute of the Incarnate Word (IVE), and the Third Order Secular, form the singular Religious Family of the Incarnate Word. The members of both Religious Institutes profess vows of chastity, poverty, obedience, and Marian Consecration. The two Religious Institutes share the same charism and constitutions, and both have branches of apostolic and contemplative life.

Nuestro Carisma

Our charism

By the specific charism of our Institute, all its members must work in supreme docility to the Holy Spirit, under the guidance of Mary, so that Jesus Christ may be Lord of all that is authentically human, even in the most difficult and adverse circumstances; in other words, the grace to know how to concretely work in order to prolong Christ in families, education, social media, philosophers, and in every legitimate manifestation of man. This is the gift in which men are made as “a new Incarnation of the Word”, by being essentially missionary and marian.

The mission received by our founder, and approved by the Church, is to bring the effects of the Incarnation of the word to its fullness, which is to “elevate and use all goods”, especially in the world of culture, that is to say, “every manifestation of man as a person, community, people, and nation.”

Nuestra Espiritualidad

Our spirituality is rooted in the sacrosanct mystery of the Incarnation, the mystery of the Word made flesh in the womb of the Most Holy Virgin Mary. We can affirm that our spirituality is of the Person of the Incarnate Word and his Mother, so that, by the Holy Spirit, we can be united to the Father. By this explanation of the mystery of the Word Incarnate comes all the principals of our Spiritual Life within our Institute, according to our Directory of Spirituality. In our lives and actions, "the name, doctrine, life, promises, the kingdom, the mystery of Jesus of Nazareth Son of God" must take precedence, in such a way that we must not put anything before his love.


Our spirituality

Nuestro Fundador

Our founder

Father Carlos Miguel Buela, IVE, has been a priest since October 7th, 1971. From the beginning of his priesthood he dedicated himself to youth ministry, with the conviction that the Church must concern itself with youth, “not by tactic but by vocation”

For them, he wrote “Youth for the Third Millenium”. He is also the author of “The Youth Catechism”, “Modern attacks against the Family”, “Our Lady of Lujan”, “The mystery of the woman in waiting”, “Fatima and the Sun that danced”, “Priests forever”, “Our Mass” and numerous published articles in diverse publications. He is an untiring preacher and promoter of the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. He founded three homes of Mercy for disabled children, orphans, and high schoolers.

He founded “The Institute of the Incarnate Word” in 1984 and “The Institute Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará”, the female branch of the Religious Family of the Incarnate Word in 1988. Both institutes have both an apostolic and contemplative branch, and the charism of prolonging the Incarnation of the Word in every manifestation of man, with the specific end of evangelizing the culture.

Our Non-negotiable elements


"By the proper charism of our institute, all its members must work in supreme docility to the Holy Spirit, under the guidance of Mary, so that Jesus Christ may be Lord of all that is authentically human, even in the most difficult and adverse circumstances".

(Constitutions, 30)

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